Contact Your U.S. Representative! Help Prevent a 2024 Cut to Medicare’s Physician Payment Rates
August 11, 2023
The American Medical Association estimates that Medicare physician payment rates fell 26% from 2001 to 2023 when inflation is accounted. During that same period practice costs rose by 47%.
In other words, the math shows that such payment rates jeopardize the financial stability of physician practices and lawmakers in Washington need to act now to fix the Medicare physician payment system! The fiscal stability of physician practices and the long-term viability of our nation’s entire healthcare system depends on Congressional action.
Please contact your U.S. Representative using ISMS’ Grassroots Action Center and urge passage of the bill “Strengthening Medicare for Patients and Providers Act (House Resolution 2474).”
This legislation is a bipartisan measure, providing the crucial link between the Medicare physician payment schedule and the Medicare Economic Index (MEI) – which will finally put physicians on an equal fiscal footing with other entities drawing Medicare payments.
If Congress does not act, current law requires the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to implement a 3.36% physician payment cut to the conversion factor scheduled for 2024 on top of the sweeping 2% reduction that took effect in 2023.
Act today! Contact your U.S. Representative and urge passage of H.R. 2474!