Society Structure
Learn more about the ISMS membership structure and how ISMS members can get more involved.
We believe the only way to achieve our mission and goals is through member-led initiatives and policy development. As a result, the following structures have been developed to empower members to BE HEARD and get involved in leading the direction of the organization.
Member Categories and Regions
There are several types of ISMS membership categories:
- Regular Members
- Group Members
- Emeritus Members
- Retired Members
- Distinguished Members
- Medical Student Members
- Military Service Members
- Resident and Fellow Members
- Transitional Medical Graduate Members
All members enjoy the right to serve in leadership positions, submit resolutions and vote at the Annual Meeting.
Councils and Committees
Councils and committees offer ISMS members an opportunity to become actively involved in the Society and in organized medicine at the state level. They help direct ISMS policies and actions by reviewing resolutions submitted by ISMS members and making recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
Serving on a council or committee is a great way for physicians to get involved in ISMS and express their views on topics affecting their profession. All ISMS members are welcome and encouraged to volunteer.
To learn more about how you can get involved, please view our Councils and Committees overview.
Board of Trustees
The ISMS Board of Trustees is designed to represent the diversity of ISMS members, and is elected by the ISMS membership at the Society’s Annual Meeting. The Board is charged with reviewing recommendations from councils and committees, making decisions on resolutions submitted by ISMS members, and carrying out the Society’s agenda throughout the year.
The Board is comprised of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary-Treasurer, Speaker, Vice Speaker, Immediate Past Chair (ex officio; voting), the AMA Delegation Chair (ex officio; non-voting), a student trustee, a resident trustee, five regional trustees, and five at-large trustees. Regional trustees represent large geographic areas of the state, and at-large trustees may represent different physician demographics and/or practice models.
For more information on ISMS leadership, please view the ISMS Officials Directory.
Annual Meeting
Once a year, members of ISMS come together during the Annual Meeting to consider ISMS policies and actions, network with colleagues, and learn about the latest issues. Every ISMS member has the right to make their voice heard in a meaningful way and help guide the Society’s agenda and priorities by attending the meeting and voting on the matters on hand. In addition to the business session, the Annual Meeting also includes social events, vibrant debates about current topics in medicine, and more.
For more information about the Annual Meeting, please view the ISMS Annual Meeting section.