
International Medical Graduate Section

The International Medical Graduate (IMG) Section provides a direct means for international medical graduates to develop leadership and participate in the activities of ISMS; enhance ISMS outreach, communication, and interchange with IMGs to provide their perspective to ISMS and its House of Delegates; facilitate the development of information and educational activities on topics of interest to IMGs; and recruit and retain members of the Illinois State Medical Society. Membership in the section is restricted to members of the Illinois State Medical Society who are graduates of international medical schools.

Governing Council

  • Vikram B. Patel, MD, Chair
  • S. Masood Ali, MD, Vice-Chair
  • Kuhn Hong, MD, Secretary
  • Piyush Vyas, MD, Treasurer

For information about observership programs for IMGs who have not yet entered a U.S. residency program, click here.

For inquiries about the IMG Section, call 800/782-4767 or send an email.

ISMS' Mentor Center

The Mentor Center, ISMS’ new online community platform, helps you form mentor-mentee relationships with member physicians, medical students, residents, and fellows throughout Illinois.

Go to the Mentor Center

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