
About ISMS Education

ISMS provides continuing medical education (CME) to meet state-mandated requirements for medical license renewal at no cost to members.

About ISMS Education

About ISMS Education ISMS provides continuing medical education (CME) to meet the state-mandated requirements for your 2023 medical license renewal for no cost to members.

CME Courses

ISMS members and their staff can sign up for ISMS-provided webinars as a benefit of membership. Live webinars are hosted on an ongoing basis and on-demand CME courses can be accessed 24/7.

ISMS’s educational offerings have expanded to include courses on:

  •  Opioid Prescribing
  •  Medicare and Medicaid Changes
  •  Physician Health and Wellness
  •  Documentation/Billing/Coding
  •  COVID-19
  •  Sexual Harassment Prevention
  •  Public Health Issues and Regulatory Guidance
  •  Practice Management
  •  Leadership Development

All of these offerings are complimentary for ISMS members as a benefit of membership. Non-member physicians and clinical staff are able to take each on-demand course for a small, per course fee.

ISMS Offers Members No Cost CME to Fulfill Illinois Mandates

As an ISMS member, you have complimentary access to more than 50 online courses. This includes coursework that meets all of the requirements for State of Illinois-mandated CME hours, such as:

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (Physicians must complete 1 CME hour for re-licensure)

Please note the state has identified specific elements that must be addressed in the sexual harassment training courses. ISMS' programs include the required elements.

Opioids (Physicians must complete 1 CME hours when renewing a controlled substance license)

Identifying and reporting child abuse (Physicians who treat children must complete this training requirement once every six years)

Implicit bias – 1 hour of education is required

Recognizing dementia – 1 hour of education is required for physicians who interact with patients 26 years of age or older. 

Transcript Information

Many of the live webinars and on-demand courses offered by ISMS provide CME credit. If you require a CME transcript of activities you have completed through ISMS, please complete the form below:

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