
Due to ISMS Advocacy, Multidose Use of Medications Now Allowed in Surgical Facilities!

August 9, 2024

As of June 28, Illinois began to allow multidose use of topical preserved medications, such as eyedrops, eardrops, creams and ointments, on multiple patients in surgical facilities when properly stored in their original multidose containers and then discarded by the manufacturer’s expiration date or facility’s “beyond use” date.

This new administrative rule change from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) applies to all surgical specialties and amends the Illinois Pharmacy Practice Act.

The amendment is a result of two years of advocacy by ISMS, along with the Illinois Health and Hospital Association and the Illinois Council of Health System Pharmacists. ISMS initiated an AMA policy in 2021 regarding the safety of multidose eyedrop use on multiple patients that eventually led to this rule change last June. IDFPR’s rule was not precipitated by legislation – which is highly uncommon. A special thanks goes to ISMS member, David J. Palmer, M.D., who spurred our activity on this issue.

If you have questions, please contact the ISMS Health Policy Research and Advocacy team by email.

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