
MSS Council Representatives

Student members of the ISMS have a unique opportunity to actively participate in the deliberations and activities that influence policy impacting the medical profession.

The Illinois State Medical Society encourages student members to serve on each of its key councils. Students serving on these councils are considered regular members, with considerable input into policy and program deliberations and full voting rights. MSS Council Representatives are recommended by the MSS Executive Committee and appointed by the ISMS Board Chair.

ISMS councils and committees are constituted each year in June, and applications for MSS Council Representatives are typically due in mid-May. For more information, please contact ISMS MSS staff at

Descriptions of ISMS Councils

Representatives to ISMS Councils/Committees

Council on CME Activities - Ms. Sarah Syed
Council on Communications and Membership Advocacy - Mr. Sameer Ansari
Council on Economics - Mr. Michael Egozi
Council on Education and Health Workforce - Ms. Meghana Sharma
Council on Medical Service - Ms. Allison Maxwell
Governmental Affairs Council - Ms. Tierney Lanter
Medical Legal Council - Ms. Leah Quinn
Women in Medicine Committee - Ms. Havisha Pedamallu


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