EHR and Medical Records
Promoting Interoperability Program for Medicaid (eMIPP)
Overview of the eMIPP incentive program by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services.
EMR Education
Hitech Answers
External resource to learn more about electronic medical records and healthcare IT.
CMS Security & Risk Analysis Tip Sheet
2019 overview of the continued overhaul of the CMS Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program.
Health Services Research & Information Central (HSRIC)
External resource to learn more about electronic medical records and healthcare IT. Privacy and Security
External resource to learn more about electronic medical records and healthcare IT.
KLAS Ratings
KLAS Research collects information from EHR users to identify trends and improve EHR solutions.
EHR Practice Management Consultants
EHRPMC is a healthcare technology consulting firm known for providing expertise around healthcare technology systems.
Patient Communications and Forms
Records Enclosure Model Form Letter
Medical Legal Guideline
Sample form letter to include when sending medical records to individuals or third parties.
Record Retention and Access
Medical Record Quick Guide
Medical Legal Guideline
An ISMS-developed reference guide to medical record fees and the retention of medical records.
A Physician's Guide to Medical Records Access and Retention
Medical Legal Guideline
A comprehensive guide to medical record access and fees, as well as medical record retention.
Access to Medical Records of Deceased Patients
Medical Legal Guideline
A comprehensive guide to medical record access of deceased patients.
Authorization for Release of Confidential Health Information Model Form
Medical Legal Guideline
Sample form for the patient authorization for release of confidential health information.
Electronic Medical Record Retention Guideline
Medical Legal Guideline
An ISMS-developed quick reference guide electronic medical record retention.
HIPAA Medical Record Cost Calculation Sheet Guideline
Medical Legal Guideline
Annually updated fee schedule for making and mailing copies of patient medical records.
Individual and Third-Party Access to Medical Records
Medical Legal Guideline
A comprehensive guide to medical record access for individuals and third parties.
Workers' Compensation Records Guidelines
Medical Legal Guideline
A quick reference sheet for medical record retention for workers' compensation cases.