
Know the Law When Certifying Patients for Disability Parking Placards

October 20, 2023

Be sure to conduct a careful review of the eligibility criteria before certifying patients for any of the disability parking placards. Physicians who falsely certify an application for any person who does not meet the disability criteria face penalties, including suspension of driving privileges and fines up to $1,000.

Physicians must not only certify as to what disability qualifies the patient for a parking placard, but they must also determine whether the patient meets the specific requirements for a meter-exempt parking placard. A person with a disability does not automatically qualify for “meter exempt” parking placards.

Which parking placard is right for your patient?

  • "Meter-Exempt" Permanent Placards (yellow and gray striped): Individuals with permanent disabilities that prevent them from physically accessing parking meters are exempt from having to “feed the meters.”

  • Permanent Placards (blue): Individuals with permanent disabilities that do not affect their ability to reach a paybox and insert payment are not eligible for free metered parking and must feed the meters.

  • Temporary Placards (red): Individuals who have a temporary disability, valid for the length of time indicated by the certifying physician, must pay the meters.

  • Organization Placards (green): Designed for organizations that transport persons with disabilities; authorized holders must pay the meters.

Learn more with ISMS’ resource, Disability Placard Certification, which offers numerous resources for physicians.

Questions? Please contact the ISMS Health Policy Research and Advocacy team by email.

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