Help Available for Medicaid Revalidation Process
October 4, 2024
Physicians must revalidate to receive payments for treating patients
The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) will be sending revalidation notices to all healthcare professionals who are enrolled in the state Medicaid program. These revalidation notices from HFS will be sent in rolling stages and continue through calendar year 2025.
Failure to revalidate will result in your being removed from Medicaid reimbursement eligibility. When removed, providers will NOT be able to bill for some of their most vulnerable patients and clients.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires state Medicaid programs to revalidate all actively enrolled Medicaid providers at least every five years. This requirement is for ALL Medicaid healthcare professionals. Authorized representatives may complete the revalidation on behalf of a physician or other health professionals.
Please note: even if you have revalidated your provider enrollment with Medicare, you must also complete the revalidation process with Illinois Medicaid.
For more information, visit the HFS IMPACT page and click on “Provider Revalidation.” Step-by-step instructions are available via pdf and a video on that page.
If you have questions, please contact the ISMS Health Policy Research and Advocacy team by email